Dying/broken/forgiven.... now I begin

Born: 17-06-56....gemini.... monkey
re-born: 3-09-80
born again\found: 14-04-08
other notable dates: 10-03-68; 03-09-87; 23-03-96;
1-05-98; 31-01-02; 5-04-04

Interests: movement, stressed/transgressive embodiment, lived experience (body\space\time\relation)
expression ( word, dance, text, image, story, music, poetics)
learning, yielding......

Hopes for the blog:
offer up the wild intersectedness of lived experience and engage others in creative, expressive, perhaps irreverant, hopefully playful, and respectful encounters....
enact kindness
create moments of pause for disclosure, discovery, stillness

Thursday, November 26, 2009

shape/spatial poem attempt #1

I have been given a gift ... twice
blessed, born once: tethered; born anew
called forth, amazed, mother (ing) my absent child
yet mother I was mother I am thus
born(e) over to ongoing being born
twice given a gift, I yield more, much more than twice


  1. with thanks to Jon for the wonderful prompts at expressivesubjects which are helping me to stretch, hope and yield :)

  2. Blogging needs spatial intelligence to define the difference between mere thought and actual thinking. I gave up trying to get through to the closed mind set, and began the use of actual images. I wish you well hen, I hope you succeed where I amongst others have failed.

  3. It is interesting the way you set the shape within the structure that delineated the spce as a whole.

  4. Intriguing - and philosophical in the best sense of the word.

  5. Jimmy-- thanks for the thoughtful comment; I have no illusions about my own talents in this regard, believe me. I mostly incline to narrative forms and some deliberate overlap ambiguity in some of my poetry. I like a challenge, tho...so I have been giving these prompts a try. I am happy with how getting out of my comfort zone is also helping me with my attentiveness to word choice and use.
    WM-- I was hoping to make an X ... but the spacing and word lengths just did not cooperate and so I opted for a disheveled X instead. I 'm gratified that you saw a shape at all :)
    Dave-- thank you for the sentiments... much appreciated

  6. add an ellipses after the first "twice" to expand out the top line and delete the "given" and the first "more" from the bottom.

    twice ... I have been given a gift ... twice

    twice a gift, I yield, much more than twice

  7. A dishelleved X is still an X! You're way more talented at this type of thing than I could ever be. Very thought provoking read and approach.

  8. WM-- thanks for this suggestion.... I am going to yield to word rather than shape for now, but am playing off line on your advice :)
    Madame.... I have been looking admiringly at other bloggers who are freaking amazing at this, but I am enjoying my " give it a go and see how it goes" all the same; glad you liked the whole piece as well as the pink bricks...
