Dying/broken/forgiven.... now I begin

Born: 17-06-56....gemini.... monkey
re-born: 3-09-80
born again\found: 14-04-08
other notable dates: 10-03-68; 03-09-87; 23-03-96;
1-05-98; 31-01-02; 5-04-04

Interests: movement, stressed/transgressive embodiment, lived experience (body\space\time\relation)
expression ( word, dance, text, image, story, music, poetics)
learning, yielding......

Hopes for the blog:
offer up the wild intersectedness of lived experience and engage others in creative, expressive, perhaps irreverant, hopefully playful, and respectful encounters....
enact kindness
create moments of pause for disclosure, discovery, stillness

Friday, October 15, 2010

week in review

Credo quia absurdum est 

 ( I believe it because it is absurd) 


  1. thanks to all visitors for your thoughtful comments and insights; it seems that absurdity is a theme!! since tuesday of this week, i feel like i am swimming in it. i am thankful that latin continues to be a wonderful minimalist vehicle of expression.
    looking forward to spending more time in the blogosphere in the week(s) ahead.

  2. Ah, and you see, not so absurd...we look forward to your insightful and witty comments on our blogs, as well. The last one you made on my blog, for example.

  3. Someone said Absurd?

    Humor is reason gone mad.

  4. Absurdity is central to belief. That's why religion tends to appeal to some people.

  5. jadedj- thanks for the visit and the kind words; it's always a treat to visit your blog
    punch-- great quote from the groucho man... thanks for that reminder.
    madame-- ain't that the truth!! another invaluable reminder of how present and necessary absurdity is.
