ON the other side of a ( relatively ) unspectacular surgery, working on being mature and sensible during this week or so of recovery. HAH! In the words of Dr. Phil ( who I cannot believe I am quoting): How's that workin' for ya?!
JUST nearing the end of a wonderful intensive class session in American Sign Language ( ASL). Partner and I are nearing a milestone-finishing up Level 2. Fluency better; appreciation for the language and for DEAF culture..... off the charts.
IN class today ( which we do in a small group in the instructor's home) I brought a large carton of creamy Iced Coffee--mocha flavour. Mm Mm Mm. I'm lactose intolerant, but I threw caution to the winds ( note the mature and sensible reference, above) and drank a good glass full. Even though I'll likely pay big time ( and actually have paid big time already.....no more details needed on that...), I have to say that it's a good feeling for a (recovering) alcoholic like me to regard a milk -based drink as a bit of risky, edgy behaviour.
Talk about a shift in perspective!!
HOPE you all are thriving on the myriad triggers for expressive outpouring in your respective expressive lives.